Freitag, 9. Juli 2010

Avatar The Last Airbender

I'm a big fan of Avatar Cartoon series, it's so recommended to watch.

Few hours ago I've watched the movie version and it turned to be so dissapointed :-( The actors played like newcomers (maybe they are...not sure, I'm lazy to check), Zuko looks nothing like in the series, where's the long hair of him? His scar is barely to see. There are errors on name, Aang to Ong, Sokka to Soaka. The siblings should have a bit of darker skin, but they were pure white. And the movie turned to be so serious, no laugh, no strange humour like in the series.

I stopped watching it after half an hour or so.... didn't want to ruin my good memory of the cartoon series.

Freitag, 2. Juli 2010

Javanese Style Room

Unfinished Wayang Painting

I so want to change my room interior from normal boring style into javanese style, it will surely make me feel at home ^^. Gladly I have wonderful kind hearted friend who is willing to bring me some Batik fabrics and Javanese ornament from Indonesia to here... thank you thank you.

New sewing machine has been bought to support my idea to make bedcover, pilowcase, tablecloth, fridge-cloth, tissuecloth, ... and other etnic stuffs.

While waiting for the arrival of my batik fabrics, I paint javanese Ramayana puppet. It's not finish yet, but after this one finish, the next project will be painting javanese mask with batik style. Hopefully by then I'll get my batik fabrics and start the big project of sewing.

Another idea is to make batik wood handicraft. I think it's not so hard, the painting part will be similar to the one in canvas and I just need to buy electronic saw to make the work easier, some wood paints and brushes. The price to ship 5kg of batik wood handicraft from Indonesia to here will be the same expensive as an electronic saw, another good thing of making the handicraft by myself is that, I can spend my time with something productive, rather then just watching movies all day long.... but besides these hobby stuffs, I hope I get a real job, like 10-20 hours a week, so I can finance my expensive hobbies :-D. Well let's see.

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010

My Purpose

For the last few weeks, I got a bit problem before sleeping. Somehow my mind thought about some basic questions of human existence such as : Why do I live? What's my purpose on earth?

As I biked to REWE for shopping and saw people on the road, I instantly thought about people on the old time, people who used to walked on the same road, those who were living... and No, I don't want to talk about creepy stuffs, but about human life.

Well at the end I conclude, that my life is a gift. It's a de facto, and I can't choose or change my parents, my origin country. Life is simply a gift and just like a normal gift, some birthday-girl/ boy doesn't feel so happy about it, but some are overjoy. It's just a matter of perspective, nothing more. Now since I'm living, I have to live to the fullest. I have to be happy and the recipe of happiness is simply by making other people happy.

So the answers of the complex and complicated guestions on history of human-life is actually quite simple (at least for me) :D

ps: Yes, I have read the book : Purpose Driven Life... a long time ago ^^

Montag, 14. Juni 2010

He Leadeth Me

As I feel uncertain, sad with no certain reason, worry for something unspeakable, I will sing "Tenanglah Kini Hatiku (He Leadeth Me)". This song has a strange power, giving warmth, love and comfort. Maybe it works for you too.

Joseph H. Gilmore
William Batchelder Bradbury




Montag, 31. Mai 2010

Holiday in Bali

Litte Dancers in Ubud

Actually a Woman

In front of The Hotel

Dancer in Ubud

Sonntag, 30. Mai 2010

Homemade Food

Our daily food... yummy ^^

Pecel Lele (fried Catfish) ala Indonesia

Chinese Grillchicken with Oyster Sauce and Cah Mushroom


Indonesian Grillchicken with Mushroom and carrot

Grill Chickenbreast with Red Beans Sauce and Bratkartoffeln


Sticky Rice ala Indonesia with Kokosraspel


Fried Sardinen with Sambal ala Indonesia

Martabak Telor


Grillchicken with Fried Mushroom

Risoles for Breakfast

Chickenbreast cooked with Chilie Sauce and Bakwan

Grillchicken with Pommes and Mushroom

Nigiri Sushi ala Me

Fishnugget ^^


California Roll and Hoso Maki

Bratwurst (lazy time)

Macaroni with Jagdwurst

Nigiri Sushi

Perkedel Daging. Macaroni with Cheese, Peas

Fried Rice ala Indonesia


Seelachs Steaks with Pommes and Salad

Homemade Tuna Cheese and Pork Pizza

Samstag, 6. Februar 2010


Sushi makanan sehat yang cepat dan mudah dibuat. Ini dia resepnya:

250 gr Nasi Sushi
2 sdm cuka beras
1 sdt garam
3 sdt gula

Crab stick
Fillet tuna/ Lachs/ hering

Acar Jahe
Kecap sushi
Bamboo Mat
Plastic wrapper
Handuk lembab untuk lap pisau
Mangkuk isi air dan garam untuk membasahi tangan

Masak nasi sampai matang, tuangkan cuka beras, gula dan garam, aduk hingga rata.

Cover bamboo mat dengan plastic wrapper, agar nasi tidak lengket di bamboo. Letakkan nori, tangan dibasahkan dengan air garam agar nasi tidak lengket ditangan, ambil sekepal nasi, ratakan nasi diatas nori, berikan isi (udang, alpukat, ketimun - variasi isi bisa dikreasikan), nori digulung sambil ditekan. Potong jadi 8. Setiap hendak memotong, pisau dilap dengan handuk basah agar nasi tidak lengket. Sajikan dengan wasabi, kecap dan acar.

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